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Brief summary of the project:

Shallow lakes contribute a surprising amount to the preservation of natural diversity, providing habitats for fish, invertebrates, waterfowl, and at the same time providing numerous natural benefits to humans. Shallow lakes contribute significantly to carbon sequestration, the cycle of matter and also to the food supply of mankind. However, due to their shallowness, these same lakes are also very sensitive to all changes, be it storms, changing precipitation, temperature or an increase in the pollution load.

Objective and results of the project:

The aim of the project is to find answers to the following questions.

- Shallow lakes are an indicator of the preservation of natural diversity. What do these indicators show us?

-How to improve scientific communication?

-How to restore and consolidate the credibility of the scientific worldview?

This project has received funding from the European Union European Regional Developement Fund and from Enterprice Estonia in the amount of 29 721,30 EUR

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963 (TREICLAKE).


This project has received support from the European Union, European Regional Development Fund through Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA Project “Value-chain based bio-economy“


This project has received funding from the Conference support programme of the City of Tartu 

Contacts of organizer
