
How to travel to Estonia

Estonia is located between Scandinavia, central Europe, and Russia, therefore there are multiple ways to travel over to Estonia across the land, water, and air. There are regular ferries running between Tallinn, Helsinki, and Stockholm, and landing in Tallinn Airport places you right in the middle of the city.

By plane

The flights from Oslo and Stockholm to Tallinn are all under 2 hours. You can fly from Helsinki to Tallinn in 20 minutes, and from Helsinki to Tartu in a little less than an hour. More information about flight schedules is available on Tallinn Airport website.

Tallinn airport is located a 20-minute tram ride away from Tallinn city centre. Both tram number 4 and bus number 2 run between the airport and the city centre.

By ferry

The ferry ride from Helsinki will take around 2-2.5 hours (with exception on one ferry, 4 hours). The trip from Stockholm to Tallinn is a 12-hour overnight ferry ride. The following ferry operators service the lines. Tallinn port is located a 15-minute walk from the city centre.

More information about ferry lines and tickets is available via the links below:

Contacts of organizer
